Zones in Skellefteå

Zone number Name
1201 Zone 1
1202 Zone 2
1203 Zone 3
1208 Zone 3 parking areas by Forskargränd, between Bockholmsvägen And Skråmträskvägen
1209 Zone 4 (Norra Järnvägsgatan)
1225 Eddahallen, Norvalla
1245 P-hus Pantern
1250 P-hus Ekorren
1258 Campus multi-storey

You can view and search for zones in the Mobill Parkering app and see them on a map with GPS assistance. You can also log in and purchase parking right here on

Send zone registrationnumber duration to 0700-86 11 00.
For example, to buy 2 hours parking in zone 1201, send 1201 ABC123 2.

View standard parking charges (Skellefteå city council)
View standard parking charges, P-Hus (multi-story) (Skellefteå city council)

For questions regarding zones, maps, rules and parking fines, contact Skellefteå city council customer service: For questions regarding the Mobill parking service, app, SMS, orders, invoices and payment including My Mobill: